Sultan-ul-Hind Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti Sanjari (radi Allahu anhu) popularly known as "Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaaz" (The Benefactor of the Poor) was the founder of the Chistiya Order of Sufis in
The Chistiya Silsila is one of the most popular and influential mystic orders in Islam. It derives its name from Chist, a village near
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti Sanjari (radi Allahu anhu) was born in 536 A.H./1141 A.D. in Sijistan (
After the demise of his father, he inherited a grinding stone and a garden which formed a source of his livelihood. From an early age he loved the company of saints, mystics and dervishes. The persistent sacks and destruction of Khorasan (including Sijistan) by the hordes of Ghuzz tribe of the barbarous Tartars proved to be a turning point of his life at the early age of 14. Fired by overwhelming human passion, he was divinely inspired to renounce the world at this early age.
Distributing all his worldly belongings to the poor, he went to
In order to quench his spiritual thirst, he left
While they were in
After full 20 years hard training in Islamic mysticism under this great Peer-o-Murshid, Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin (radi Allahu anhu) was bestowed with Khilafat in the Chistiya Silsila. His Murshid, after advising him, handed over his Asa Mubarak (Sacred Staff), wooden sandals and Musallah to Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin (radi Allahu anhu) saying that those Tabbarukaats have come down from Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in succession.
In 583 A.H. when he was absorbed in prayer at the Holy Kaaba, he heard a voice saying, "O Mu'inuddin! We are greatly pleased with you. You have been given salvation. Ask for anything that you may like." He submitted respectfully, "O Allah, give salvation to the followers and disciples of Mu'inuddin." A reply was heard, "O Mu'inuddin, you are accepted by Us. I will give salvation to your followers and disciples and also to those who may enter your fold till the Day of Qiyamat."
After performing the Hajj, he was once again divinely inspired from
On his way to
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin's (radi Allahu anhu) devoted Mureeds. Yadgar Muhammad did not previously recognise and respect the first three Caliphs of Islam, neither had he any respect for Sufis nor for any holy saints. Now, after meeting Hazrat Khwaja Saheb (radi Allahu anhu), Yadgar Muhammad repented and distributed his wealth to the poor and needy, divorced his many wives, freed all his slaves and renounced the world. He stayed and travelled with his Murshid.
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) proceeded to
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) reached
But this large-scale conversion to Islam displeased the Hindu ruler and he started putting the Muslims to hardships. Pritvi Raj sent Ajai Pal and Sadhu Ram, who were magicians, to destroy Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) with black magic, but they failed on every try. Ajai Pal and Sadhu Ram were so much impressed by Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) that they accepted Islam and became his devoted Mureeds.
A great Muslim army general, Shahabuddin Ghouri, who was in Khorasan, saw Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) in a dream who instructed the general, "It has been ordained by Allah that you shall be the ruler of India. Direct your attention soon and arrest Pritvi Raj and punish him." Acting upon this instruction, Shahabuddin Ghouri came to India to face the army of Pritvi Raj. The Muslim general and the small band of Muslim army, encountering fierce opposition, eventually defeated the Hindu army and went to Ajmer to pay homage to Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) and become his Mureed.
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) was an embodiment of plain living and high thinking. His noble disposition, his marvellous self-control, his renunciation, self abnegation, selfless service, his patience, his love, fortitude and courage earned for him the respect from his admirers and devotees. He passed his days in Almighty Allah's remembrance. He was free from avarice and greed. He had no lust for power, no wish for name and fame, and no desire for wealth. He sought only the pleasure of Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He was deeply loved by his Peer-o-Murshid, who used to say, "Our Mu'inuddin is a beloved of Allah and I feel proud of the fact that he is my disciple. He followed the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) very faithfully in his day-to-day life. The fear of Allah ever dominated his mind." Hazrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (radi Allahu anhu) says that he never saw a beggar or any needy leaving his door without taking something - one of his popular titles of "Ghareeb Nawaaz"(Lover of the Poor).
Although Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) did not know the language of Hindustan because he spoke Persian, he converted about nine and a half million into the folds of Islam.
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) did not conquer India with his sword but with love. The Sama mehfils of his proved as a cementing force for the spread of Islam and brought the people together.
Sheik Mu'inuddin Ibn Arabi, Hazrat Fariduddin Attar, Hazrat Shams-Tabriz and Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi (radi Allahu anhum ajma'in) were all contemporaries of Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu).
On the 14th of Jamad-us Thani 627 A.H., Khwaja Saheb (radi Allahu anhu) bestowed the Khilafat upon Hazrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (radi Allahu anhu).
On Monday, 6th Rajab in 627 A.H. (1236 A.D.), after the night prayers, Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) went into his room and did not allow anybody to enter. When the door remained closed at the time of morning prayer, his devotees opened the door and found that Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti (radi Allahu anhu) passed away. On his blessed forehead was written: "He was the beloved of Allah, and he died in the Love of Allah."
Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chisti's (radi Allahu anhu) Mazaar Shareef is in Ajmer Shareef and thousands of people assemble there every day to pay respects to the greatest saint of the Chistiya Silsila.
None should have any doubt that Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti (Ghreeb Nawaz) was beloved of Allah. His blessings can do any miracle in the world and beyond world. As per my faith and belief His blessings can see one as Crowned King from footpath even.